
2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill

2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill 11 photos
Photo: eBay/User STH Sales
2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill2025 Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunt Rumor Mill
The Internet is truly one of humanity's greatest achievements. Through it, we can keep in touch with people on the other side of the globe, find the latest information we need, buy stuff, and even make a living.
Imagine being a Hot Wheels collector in the '70s. The only way you'd find out about a new product may have been via a TV commercial or just seeing it suddenly in a store. These days, we already know what's coming up 12 months from now. I have already seen most of the novelties Mattel planned for 2024, all across the range.

And now, some people have gotten their hands on the plans for 2025. The Super Treasure Hunt series has always been very popular with collectors worldwide. Some people have tried avoiding it, as it can be expensive to follow. Sure, paying the retail price for these special items is possible, but it implies many visits to many toy stores. I have only found three Super Treasure Hunt cars in 10 years of being devoted to the hobby.

Some of you may have had more luck than me, but it's still pretty time-consuming. We have seen unboxing videos for all the mixes up to Case M. We'll see another three STH items before the 2024 line-up ends. And I can already tell you what these will be. The Lamborghini Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo should arrive with Case P, while Mix Q will get the '83 Chevy Silverado.

Mix N's Celero GT will easily be this year's worst STH. 2022 was a blessing from this perspective, as Mattel didn't use any fantasy castings for this popular series. But 2023 (Tooned Batmobile/Glory Chaser) and 2021 (Rodger Dodger) had bad moments. And you can always expect that the diecast manufacturer will insert its own castings between the car we all truly want.

I've got good news and bad news for 2025. Let me start with the good news: a Spectraflame Green '87 Audi Quattro! It's one of the best ones I've seen in recent years, and I'm unsure how some people already got their hands on it. There's one listing on eBay for $39, but I'd be wary of it for now. It makes no sense for it to be cheaper than the upcoming Hirohata Merc, which I've seen listed for $65.

Both are great in their way, but I'd much rather have the Audi instead! Now, it's time for me to give you the bad news. The 2025 Super Treasure Hunt line-up will feature at least one unlicensed casting. It's just a rumor for now, but it does seem likely that the Hi-Roller II will take on this role. The photos in the gallery may not depict the final version, but it's still pretty bad either way. I know this is not likely to happen, but it's certainly the equivalent of a peg warmer if you think about it. I'll update you with more STH news as I can confirm them 100%.
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About the author: Dragos Chitulescu
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The things Dragos enjoys the most in life are, in no particular order: cars, motorcycles, diecast cars, and drifting. He's seen (and driven) many vehicles since he started his writing career back in 2009, but his garage currently houses a 1991 Mazda RX-7 FC3S Turbo II and a 1999 Suzuki SV650-S.
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